
Category: desserts

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Panna cotta with pomegranate jelly

“And what’s for dessert?” “Panna cotta!” And the eyes light up every time. A dessert so simple and always so appreciated. That is so fresh and goes down well in every occasion, right? I’m a big fan of it, and I love making panna cotta every time in a different version. The last? this with...


Strawberries cream tart

I didn’t understand how it went from what was supposed to be a mousse to a tart with cream, I just wanted to use that pair of egg whites that had been in the fridge for a few days, and I found myself with a tart. And since in the fridge besides the egg whites...


Ginger and chocolate brownies

Take some brownies. Moist, melting, soft and very chocolatey. And add a touch of spice, little enough to surprise the palate. Here, you have just tasted paradise. You can do it again: just take another square. But be quick because everyone will do it!


Strawberries cheesecake, no bake

This simple strawberry cheesecake is the perfect dessert for me: cheesecake plus strawberries. Nothing else to ask. And you should not think that here in Shanghai is a foregone conclusion: cheese and milk cream require scrupulous research, and the cream has not been seen for a long time … but I was waiting for it,...