
Tag: dolci senza burro

Home / dolci senza burro

Apple and walnuts cookies

I started with the idea of making an apple pie, but then I saw these cookies from Mary and I changed the program definitely. Much better than they may seem, at a first distracted look. They are spectacular, as someone told me after tasting them! And it’s true …


Egg whites cake, with cherry jam

Want something soft, simple, giving that pleasant feeling of home? Then this egg whites cake stuffed with jam is for you. Born from my usual inability to get rid of stray egg whites and the desire for a sweet not too demanding. I also had the half-empty pantry, so few ingredients, the ones we always...


Yoghurt and raisin muffins

Take a break here with me, and let’s enjoy a good yoghurt and raisin muffin! Because it’s funny to discover all new ingredients and tastes that this new Country that hosts me has to give – sometimes I’m overstimulated, ahaha – but sometimes you need something known. Familiar, simple. Like a slow breakfast together.


Figs, cocoa and cinnamon cake

This morning, at breakfast, with my hot tea I had also a scented slice of this figs cake, enriched with cocoa and cinnamon. Yes, also here in Shanghai the fig’s season has begun! At first shyly, then they began to invade the markets, black and sweet. And I take advantage of it immediately! It’s not...


Soft Cake – con pesche e albicocche, senza Butiro

English Version Pesche e albicocche, due frutti che mangerei a chili! Solitamente dalle mie parti è difficile trovarle buone, soprattutto le albicocche, ma ultimamente devo dire sono arrivate molto saporite. Ovviamente mi sono fatta prendere dall’entusiasmo e ne ho comprate una quantità industriale: una parte l’ho trasformata in marmellata, una parte ho deciso di inserirla...