I love savory muffins! With a little effort and in a short time they can make an aperitif special or enrich an appetizer. And the mini muffins that I propose today are perfect for a tasty morsel, rich in taste but not very demanding.

My favorites are in vegetarian version, like these, with feta and fresh spring onion in the batter, so as to be able to accompany well with cold cuts. But even by themselves they make their figure, and they are the first to disappear in the buffets.
They are easy, quick and if put into small molds they are quick even in baking. But if you want you can bake them in a classic muffin mold or even in a plum cake pan and making lots of tasty slices.


Spring onion and feta mini muffins

Ingredients for about 14 pieces:

  • 1 egg
  • 40 g all purpos flour
  • 40 g wholewheat flour
  • 50 g milk
  • 50 g sunflower seeds oil
  • 8 g baking powder
  • 70 g feta cheese
  • 40 g spring onion
  • salt and pepper
Cut the feta into cubes, wash the spring onions and cut them into chunks. Beat the egg in a bowl with milk and oil, then add the sifted flour together, the baking powder, salt and pepper to taste. Now add the feta and spring onion, mix and distribute in the buttered and floured mold for mini-muffins. Bake at 180 ° C for about 12-15 minutes, until golden. Allow to cool down before serving.


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